53 research outputs found

    Analisis preferensi konsumen dan uji mutu mie instant di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Analysis of consumers\u27 preference and quality testing for instant nodle at Yogyakarta special province)

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    The dynamics of societal economy has forced instant noodle producers into a tighter competition. An explosion of instant noodle trade names in the market showed that only a high quality product that could survive in the long term. Therefore, instant noodle producers are challanged to conduct their research and development to improve their position in the market. The aim of this research is to study consumers\u27 preference to conduct quality testing, to find out relationship between preference and quality, and propose product development strategy. Consumers\u27 preference is studied using questionnaires, while instant noodle quality was tested in the laboratory. Based on those two basic informations a product development strategy was proposed. This research indicates that consumer prefers instant noodle due to its taste, easy to make, and affordable for most people. Positive correlation between preference and quality could help producers to develop their products through enhancement of taste, quality and process assurance. Key words : instant noddle, consumers\u27 preference, quality testing

    Peran Perempuan Dalam Ekonomi Keluarga Ter-PHK Untuk Mengatasi Dampak Krisis(Women\u27s Role in The Economy of Laid-off Family to Cope With The Crisis Impact)

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    Menghadapi permasalahan ekonomi keluarga sebagai dampak krisis, perempuan dapat bertindak sebagai satu kekuatan untuk bertahan (survive). Berbagai strategi perempuan menghadapi situasi dipilih sesuai dengan peran perempuan dalam ekonomi keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk (1) menganalisis dampak krisis ekonomi pada keluarga terPHK di DIY, dan (2) menganalisis strategi yang dilakukan perempuan pada keluarga ter-PHK untuk mempertahankan keberlangsungan ekonomi keluarga Penelitian difokuskan pada para ibu dalam keluarga ter-PHK di Kabupaten Sleman dan Kabupaten Bantul, PrOpinsi DIY dengan total responden berjumlah 30. Alat yang digunakan berupa kuesioner yang bersifat terbuka sebagai acuan wawancara semi terstruktur. Analisis dengan statistik deskriptif dilakukan terhadap data yang dikumpulkan pada bulan November 2000, tiga tahun sejak krisis terjadi. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa meskipun perempuan bekerja dan mengelola keuangan keluarga pada lebih banyak keluarga responden, ternyata dalam hal pengambilan keputusan akhir tetap bagian terbesar ada pada laki-laki. Meskipun ditemukan bahwa perempuan memiliki peran penting dalam ekonomi keluarga mengatasi dampak krisis, ternyata setelah krisis justru terjadi penurunan alokasi waktu perempuan untuk mencari nafkah, dan sebaliknya semakin banyak waktu yang dicurahkan untuk pekerjaan domestik

    Identify Toxin Contamination in Peanuts Using the Development of Machine Vision Based on Image Processing Technique

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    This research aimed at identifying the use of image processing technique and classifying the use of K-mean clustering of contaminated and uncontaminated peanuts. A machine vision system was made of a small aluminum box, equipped with a camera, a petri for placing the sample, USB connector, UV lamp, and a computer. Image processing methods consisted of analysis of the average color of RGB in the region of interest, convertion of RGB into HSV, segmentation process, as well as convertion image into grayscale and binary objects in order to obtain the total number of pixels value in the object area so that the mean value of the pixels of the area can be calculated. K-means algorithm was used to classify the contaminated and uncontaminated peanuts based on the average pixel value of R,G, B color parameters. The accuracy of a system was 100% meaning that the performance of machine vision can be used to identify the contaminated and uncontaminated peanuts.Keywords: aflatoxin, K-mean clustering, machine vision, image processing, peanuts

    Artificial Neural Network Model for Affective Environmental Control System in Food SMEs

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    This paper presents an affective environmental control system for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The system is proposed as a technology innovation in appropriate information technology. It is defined that workplace environment set points could be controlled using worker workload. The research objectives are: 1) To design an affective environmental control model for SME; 2) To develop an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for predicting affective environment set points. The system consisted of 4 sub-systems as measurement, assessment, control and decision. An ANN model is developed for sub-systems of control. Training and validation data are acquired from 4 (four) samples of SME in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The model has been developed successfully to predict temperature and light intensity set points using back-propagation supervised learning method. The research results indicated the satisfied performance of ANN with minimum error. ANN model indicated the closeness of R2 value between training and validation data. The research results could be applied to support the worker productivity in food SMEs by providing a comfort workplace environment and optimum worker workload

    Artificial Life of Soybean Plant Growth Modeling Using Intelligence Approaches

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    The natural process on plant growth system has a complex system and it has could be developed on characteristic studied using intelligent approaches conducting with artificial life system. The approaches on examining the natural process on soybean (Glycine Max L.Merr) plant growth have been analyzed and synthesized in these research through modeling using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Lindenmayer System (L-System) methods. Research aimed to design and to visualize plant growth modeling on the soybean varieties which these could help for studying botany of plant based on fertilizer compositions on plant growth with Nitrogen (N), Phosphor (P) and Potassium (K). The soybean plant growth has been analyzed based on the treatments of plant fertilizer compositions in the experimental research to develop plant growth modeling. By using N, P, K fertilizer compositions, its capable result on the highest production 2.074 tons/hectares. Using these models, the simulation on artificial life for describing identification and visualization on the characteristic of soybean plant growth could be demonstrated and applied

    Desain sistem kontrol ruang pertumbuhan ulat sutera untuk meningicatkan kualitas produksi sutera alam=(Design of Control Systen for Silk Worm\u27s Growth Chamber to Improve the Quality of Raw-Silk Produced)

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    The world demand of raw-silk provides a great opportunity to the development of raw-silk production in Yogyakarta. Recently, only 21% out of the overall world demand of raw-silk is fulfilled, whereas Indonesia contributes only 0.1% per year. The main problem is the lack of quality of raw-silk. The optimum growth of silkworm depends on micro environments, i. e. temperature, humidity, aeration, and light intensity. The research was aimed, to apply an automated -"on/or control technology in the silkworm rearing environmental monitoring. The result expected is high-grade quality of cocoon. In the research, two different conditions of silkworm growing environments were compared: controlled environment (in the rearing box) and normal environment. Then, from third instar (silkworm\u27s growth stage) to cocoon\u27s stage (final stage or fifth instar), temperature and air humidly were set on 24°C - 26°C and 70% - 80% \u27respectively. While, Aeration and light intensity were ranged 0.1 - 0.3 m/s and 15 - 30 lux for all instar stages (constant) respectively. The result indicated that there was an increasing the percentage of cocoon skin\u27s grade in the controlled rearing environment (19.66%), compared to the result of normal rearing environment (18.56%), also there was significantly different result on the thickness of the cocoon produced Keyword : raw-silk, micro environmental controlling, cocoon quality

    Optimization of the boiling and soaking times of tempeh with the use of fuzzy logic method

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    Boiling and soaking times of tempeh production processes are two factors influencing the quality of soybean fermentation of tempeh fungi (Rhizopus ologosporus sp.). An optimal production processes period would help reducing production costs and improve the quality of tempeh fungi. This study aimed at designing and applying fuzzy logic technique in optimizing boiling and soaking times to produce the top amount of tempeh product. Combination of boiling and soaking times of tempeh were used for composing fuzzy inference and fuzzy rule-based system. Soaking times were measured within interval 10 hours up to 40 hours. Boiling times were measured within interval 10 minutes to 60 minutes. The latter stage was used to compose fuzzy inference system. Using 24 fuzzy rules implemented in the system, the result was used to find the optimum boiling and soaking process timeduring tempeh production. Comparison with actual data was made by means of quadratic regression analysis (SEE=14) and found that fuzzy logic (SEE=2) was more accurate resulting in a lower error prediction value in finding the most optimum solution of the processets time. Keywords: Optimization, boiling time, soaking time, tempeh fungi, fuzzy logic, fuzzy inferenc

    Customer Decision Making Analysis in Choosing the eMarketplace which Provide Food Products

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    Entering the digital era, shopping activities no longer have to go directly to the seller to get the desired product, including food products such as fast food, beverages, and variou s cooking needs. Currently customers can meet all their needs just simply by accessing a n e-marketplace application developed by the company to order the desired product and t hen the product will be delivered to the courier to the home or where the customer is loca ted. Until 2018 there are at least 10 e-marketplaces in Indonesia that are growing rapidl y and have the most users, of which 6 of them provide food products. The process of deve loping e-marketplace applications has also become interesting to watch as an effort to op timize the marketing of agroindustry products in the digital age. This study wants to find out what attributes on the e-marketplace application platform that affect customers in the decision-making process to choose certain e-marketplace applications. To achieve these goals, the writer uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. And the results show that in the decision-making process customers consider 11 attributes contained in t he e-marketplace application platform. Some of them are product search attributes, selle r reputation information, payment methods offered, protection of customer data, and loca tion maps

    Perancangan Alat pengering Krupuk Semi Mekanis Setalah Perebusan

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    Krupuk", a delicacy made of cassava and wheat and spice dough and popular variuos food is widely consumed by most Indonesian societies. The demand continously rises due to its cheapness and ease to buy. In fact, the product from the krupuk industry centre will always be absorbed by local markets. Constrains faced by krupuk industrial side come from drying process that is currently done manually by spreading materials out on 2 x 4 square meters bamboo tray. This type of drying, of course, depends mainly on the climate conditions and partly on other factors disturbing krupuk production such as ununiformity, wide drying shed demand, difficulties in controlling process, labour intensive requirement, less ergonomical process and low quality achievement. At too high moisture content, slicing process will hardly be able to operate and some fipigi and other micros will appear on most part of raw materials and this will lead to imposibility of operating further processes and this means losses and wastes. This activity is aimed to overcome the mentioned constrains through developing semi mechanical dryer that will have a governed capacity, controlable holding parameters, high heat utilization factor and uniform and high quality output. From the conducted test experiments, at a certain capacity, drying rate, climatic independence, functional and structural consideration and ergonomy evaluation, the dryer designed provides a high productivity improvement. Financially, a proper dryer introduction is achieved with respect to the analysis on the evaluation of economic parameters up to profit orientation. A high socio acceptability of dryer implementation has been approved
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